kodoninja - Terrorism and conspiracy of homeless developer

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Terrorism and conspiracy of homeless developer

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 7 months ago
| Report

I want your knowledge on 3 major things:

  1. What transpired at work originating at Eaton Corporation, that followed me to every place of employment, to Maryland
  2. The illegal cybersecurity, broadcasting and recording of myself, bugging, wiretapping, tracking of my vehicle, and my equipment
  3. The shows infinite amounts of federal felonies, theft, harassment, slander, and deformation.

Pending results from the 400+ question polygraph test we will move forward... Stay tuned

You can send any other information to info@kodoninja.com

This report is intended for Federal investigators, lawyers, etc. for the criminal charges, arrest and investigation of the dozens of individuals involved. This includes a developing 5+ company multi Billion dollar lawsuit. However it is open to the public for publication and media. Additionally ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, FBI, CIA, The oval office and various others have already received this by email titled "Investigation and coverage needed"

Continuous incoming evidence consisting of docs, locations, audio, image, and video files can be found in the Google Drive link below.


This is a summary of the report dubbed Follow gate

This is a series of admissions recorded at the John Hopkins college library
11 page summary
200+ page report

Book "Terrorism and conspiracy of a homeless developer" comming Q2 2024

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