kodoninja - Figuring out who you are (book coming 2021)

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Figuring out who you are (book coming 2021)

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 4 years ago
| Lifestyle

The majority of the population today don’t even know themselves. I bet this sounds strange to you, if it does your probably one of these very people. It’s okay I was one myself; doing things society wants me to do. I was a collection of everyone and everything around me. What they liked I typically liked and this became a plethora of issues as I got older. I didn’t know or understand who I was.

I put together a list of 5 things I’ve narrowed down to explain the main complications and causes that arise when you aren’t you. This isn’t to offend anyone but, these traits typically fall under females. They're more agreeable and malleable. They tend to keep the peace and follow the behavior and logic of there surroundings. If you were to look at there friends; 9 out of 10 times they are just like her. Or her desperately trying to be like them. All sharing the same thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and interests. A hive mind unwilling to share their thoughts and opinions. They may even need the opinion of there friends to make a simple decision. They may even dress, look, and act the same.

If there are feminist around you, your more likely to be one; Or agree with the beliefs. If you really into fitness, as so are your friends. Into MMA, computers, swimming, and so on your friends are typically the same. Are trying to be the same. You may be unaware that these aren’t your interest. These became your interest because people around you were interested in these things. Males and females unsure of there purpose in life tend to cling to there surroundings; often molded by them. They may pick a career path chosen by their family, friends, emotions, or outside influences. Which may lead to changing there career, or major constantly. Maybe even graduating to end up at a job unrelated to their degree. All to find out later on in life this isn’t what they wanted to do, and settled.

1. You are the product of your environment.

If your around gossiping hens, complainers, entitled, and ungrateful individuals; That are unwilling to think for themselves, then you’ll become just like them. Bad neighborhoods and persons who haven’t accomplished anything real in life. You often become like them. See the pattern? Put yourself around the greatest minds, influences, influential books/articles, entrepreneurs, dreamers, square pegs, and visionaries. You’ll become like them.

2. Your “friends” define you.

You aren’t an individual, you're a member of a group of individuals that all share the same brain. You don’t decide what to do that weekend your friends do. Your friends are at the center of every decision you make or do. If your friends are party animals you are as well. They like what you like, you like what they like. You agree with whatever they do or say no questions asked. Anything from politics to going out to eat.

3. Your purpose is to fit in.

Your life revolves around the opinion of others. You modify and adjust your life, feelings, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and opinions accordingly to others. Why do you want to be liked by everyone? Why do you want to be another sheep? Just to fit in. Who cares what others think. Who cares about what they want. Stop trying to be like someone else, be yourself.

4. You just want to be apart of something.

Most people don’t know who they are, lacking a true purpose in life. Thus they cling to the notion of being apart of something bigger. Having nothing of your own motivates that individual to join a group, club, or movement to feel special, and have meaning in life. You may want to create something of your own to be apart of. Being apart of someone else's goals, dreams, and philosophies will stop your ability to grow.

5. Your concerned about people you don’t know.

What people think about you doesn't matter. Why should it matter to you? You are changing who you are just to fit in. To be in the good graces of those who otherwise wouldn’t like you. They only like you if you agree and side with them. Never understood the obsession with wanted to be liked by those you don’t know. Focus on your self. 9 times out of 10 those individuals cannot help you succeed and grow in life. You won't know who they are 5 years from now. Your friends should grow with you and accept you for who you are.

The issue

Don’t put up with anyone's indoctrination and nonsense. Nobody’s going to respect anyone who just goes along with what everyone does or says. You ever notice at your job your boss or even coworker often tells you what to do? They do this because it’s expected for you to do what you are told. As to that’s the ideology of life and a job. Be like everyone else, and don’t stand out. The ones that are the best sheep and follow directions the best; get rewarded or promoted. Those that don’t often stay in the same place lose their job. Society programs individuals to be like sheep, or else “bad things happen”. Not complying with their standards, get you corrected by threats or even by force. We go along with it. You're bosses don’t respect you. 99.9% of the time they don’t like are give a f$*k about you just like the “friends” you model your life behind.

Yet you take orders and follow blindly behind them. You aren’t you, you are what others say you should be. Society loves to beat that into individuals. Misbehave, don’t comply; get corrected. From tv to the law and school system. Everything is created to mold good little people (sheep). IGNORE IT ALL, UNLEARN EVERYTHING. Spend time alone, the true you will come to be. You may finally see you don’t like what you doing. You only do it because others around you do it. It’s fun finding out how many things you don’t actually like, just by detaching. Society, the environment, and your friends are the reasons why you are who you are.

My Story, Conclusion

I am a product of my environment and past friendships. I can honestly admit that I am a collection of my surroundings and outside influences. Some things have become who I am. This is not always a bad thing. Growing up I came from an aggressive and toxic environment. And for a large portion of my life, I was one. Around a mother who whined and complained unable to sustain her own life; I became the same. Not knowing I was absorbing my surroundings. As I moved towards an academic orientated environment I became a product of that environment. I was surrounded by computers, fitness, entrepreneurship, and anime so I became further indulged. I met friends into fitness, MMA, weight lifting…, and I followed suit.

Luckily I was able to think for myself and mold myself to my own will. I unknowingly rejected anything that didn’t feel right. I was punished greatly for not following along and behaving like everyone else. I had a tough time being a sheep. Didn’t want to go to school many times because they were trying to force me to be something unnatural. I just wanted to learn and not be conditioned. My mother hated me because I was difficult and couldn’t behave as society told her I should behave. 

As I spent more time alone distancing myself from anyone, everyone, and everything. I found out who I was. Yes, I was a bad kid, but I was also very intelligent, filled with dreams, and refusing to conform to anyone. I lashed out on anyone trying to adjust me. I was bad because I was different, no one knew how to handle me, nothing worked. Thus they tried to punish, group, and label me. I figured out the harsh realities of what I was taught. Rejecting all the remaining feminine behavior that was forced onto me. 

Being alone I understood who I was! A rebel; a very aggressive and outspoken lion that loves to take a risk, ruffle feathers, and walk my path. I was always problematic to those who tried to make me something else, even my “friends”. Thus I always had difficulty keeping and making friends. I understood my past mistakes, and who I truly wanted to be and not what society wanted me to be. The job and career environment doesn’t work for me. Too much freedom, personal success, and personal opinions Are what scares others. I wasn’t made to be told what to do, how to behave, and how to think. I was made to succeed.

The point being is to figure out who you are. Use the steps I outlined and my personal story as motivation to find out who you are. Distance yourself from society and do what feels right to you. Who knows that 9-5 culture, gossip life, and mundane repetitive living may not be for you; just as I figured out. Take a real hard look at your life. Go through the motions, and see if that's your life, or the life an outside influence or environment created for you. Ask yourself:

  1. Who you are? 
  2. Who is destined to be?
  3. What are your goals in life?
  4. Are you accomplishing these goals?
  5. Is this your life?
  6. Is this the life your family wanted for you?
  7. Is this life your friends wanted for you?
  8. Are you truly happy?
  9. Are you fulfilled in life?
  10. Is that person your with who you want?
  11. Are you settling?
  12. Did your friends pick and approve of who your dating?
  13. Do you like your life?

If you struggling with any of these questions your more than likely a drone. A product of someone else’s wants, beliefs, dreams, likes, and dislikes. You are no one, a sheep among billions. You don’t stand out. You are your friends, and you are a product of your environment. A useless nobody who can’t even think for themselves. Try being different. Try to go against the status quo. Be someone or something different, or just be you. Be the real you, and NOPE you have no idea who the real you are. 

You agree with everything and anything told to you. You just BELIEVE without question, no facts no problem. If your friends are Liberal or vice versa then you blindly go with it, not knowing why. Possessed by emotions and someone else's narrative. Why do you even need to be political? Because society mandates it. Why do you need to work a job? Because society mandates it. Why do you need to get married? Because society mandates it. The list goes on and on. Afraid to be the real you, afraid to speak out, disagree. 

No values, no purpose. Please find your purpose in life. Getaway as mentioned and figure everything out. You might be working a job anyone can do with a bit of time, training, and practice. Forgetting you have a degree in something like chemical engineering. A true passion. Something very few can do; something that takes a while to master and comprehend. You have that degree for a reason, right? You tried to find a job, was unsuccessful and now you working a bullshit management job, or even a job that doesn’t even require a degree. For what? Why just give up? Why did you even get that degree in the first place? Eons of questions, and eons of bullshit excuses and beyond responses as to why you are who you are in life...


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Meow, this my test
000 kodoninja
kodoninja verified by kodokitty
@kodoninja verified by kodokitty
Posted: 1 year ago
YOu wrote the book but never released it. What the hell lol

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