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Never date a girl posting provocative selfies

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 5 years ago
| Living

All-day she's posting on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and just about any other hoe enabled platform. And no shes not posting anything of value. Just empty promiscuous bullshit with her wearing “sexy” clothes and a dumb-ass pose. So I’ll break this down to 5 simple reasons why you should never touch or entertain these types. This only goes for 90% of the social media population so if the shoe fits I apologize in advance. Trigger warning:

There are some women out there who are talented, with multiple things going on for themselves; Intelligent, independent, hard-working, and successful. This isn’t for the go-getter, the strong morals and goal-oriented women. As for the rest of you know who you are and you fit the description.

1. They aren’t special

Seriously they aren’t special. There are over3.6 Billion women on the planet some of which have talent, unique and provide value to themselves and society. Respect for the real women that still exist today. Real women aren’t on Instagram all day posting photos of themselves. Most of the girls today believe there special from Millions of others on FB, IG, SC, etc. that all do the same thing. They’re all fake, dumb, and trying to be the same Insta-hoe. If every girl is posing with the same empty bullshit written below how can they be special.

Every girl is going for the same look and some do it better. Not every girl is a Kardashian, and the fakes can be seen a mile away. Every girl these days is trying to be the next Kardashian. These are the role models of today. Representing the fake culture, the heavily altered fake representation of how girls should look, act, and display themselves today. Competing for the look, social proof, most likes, biggest ass, most dramatic, smallest waist, body counts, etc.

Girls can be working at McDonald's making a few bucks an hour and with the power of the bathroom mirror and their cell phone, they can now be sexy. It’s all a joke. They go to so much trouble and time trying to be someone else. Trying to be the same basic bit#* that every guy around town knows. The time that can be spent on improving themselves and their goals. They choose not to, they live for the attention like everyone else. They are to never be trusted.

2. Maybelline, Filters, and Photoshop

Bruh! it ain’t real, these girls have to spend hours a day painting on their faces just to be accepted. The most average and basic girl today doesn’t need to be attractive. They just need the magical abilities of Maybelline and filters. These girls are afraid to show their actual face in public that’s why they paint one on. There are girls I’ve dated and to this day I’ve never seen how they look like. Gallons of makeup an average body and the help of some clothes suddenly every girl today thinks they're the most beautiful creature that’s ever existed. Add in some filters and a few touch-ups and suddenly they think they're a supermodel.

They get a lot of likes, compliments, and comments and now they believe they're valued. They honestly believe that they’re hot shit. Forgetting the fact that they had to paint their face, filter and photoshop themselves for the attention. It’s hysterical to know that girls out today are an illusion. Most are average at best, and some aren’t even remotely in shape. Good lighting, makeup, a decent pose, and a filter and now they can fool the world that there attractive. The guys only like the photo because they like the fake attractive girl that was created not you.

3. Insecure & miserable

They need attention, they need to feel like they're beautiful when deep down inside they know they aren’t. Most if not all the women are very attractive but they still need to hear it 24/7 from guys the wouldn’t give a chance to. If they stop getting the attention; they go through withdrawal and slowly die. They love the feeling of free attention from guys. Even knowing that the guys are just as much of a loser as they are. These girls are riddled with issues and false superiority complexes.

Online they may look like they have it together, in person as you speak to them to sound as if they're doing ok. But deep down inside they are a disaster barely held together. Their Insecurities run rampant day to day always coming up with new poses and things to say with there attention-seeking pics. Some girls take it to the extreme getting surgery, implants and many other body modification methods for more attention. Not all can afford to do this but I bet if they had the money they’d jump at the opportunity to get it done. Twitch & YouTube are overrun with many nontalented girls gaming horribly. Their tits are out for attention speaking about nothing. Soaking up all the attention and comments they can get.

Today has never been so easy for anyone to get immediate gratification from anyone anywhere anytime. No matter how your feeling you can whip out your phone post something provocative receiving all the attention you need. The problem is it’s never enough attention or DM’s for anyone. Girls get high off of it, they live to be felt great from others. But it doesn’t last very long, then they're back to feeling unwanted and depressed.

4. She’s a hoe

If she’s always posting photos of herself there’s something off. Not including if she ever posts a club photo, house party, alcohol, etc. This is a major red flag. I’ll immediately cut someone off if I get the impression that this person may be a hoe. If she needs to post dozens of photos of herself a week. If she needs the likes and comments from others to boost her self-esteem; that’s my cue to cut her off. If I’m already following and are “friends” with this person I stop communicating with the person. For me, I take the time to remove any trace I ever communicated with them. Any likes, comments, messages all gone all deleted. I’d never delete or block the person, I’ll just wait for that person or manipulate them to delete me.

I’d suggest you’d do the same these girls will all end the same, and never be thereafter she gets bored of being a hoe. NEVER let this person into your life. Remember there are Billions of other women to be with. If you feel It in your gut it's true. Attention whores are even worse, don’t be like the rest of the morons validating these worthless girls. Following them around, agreeing with every full retard statement she says. They don’t like you they like the attention. Dozens of men hit on these types because they are the easiest to f@ck.

In most cases this is true. Girls like this always put themselves on display sometimes for attention. But most often looking for the right guy to hook up with. The photos are to show the guy she wants that she’s sexy. Those guys you rarely see liking their photos. And if she has a boyfriend or husband and still putting herself on display. RUN. Stay far away, shes a hoe. She’s posting these single ladies' photos for a reason. I know this because I went through a few like this. Girls with boyfriends looking for guys to have fun with. Even if it's only a few pics I’d still cut them off, I date the ones with very little to no social media presence.

5. Talent-less & worthless

They have nothing going on for themselves but for their job. Take away their appearance, Instagram and other accounts what do they have to offer? Now for the attractive women; remove their accounts. what do they have going on for themselves? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s the sad truth that guys often forget. Why would anyone who has things going on for themselves be on social media all day? The girls working hourly jobs with no real plans for success are 9 out 10 times worthless. But on social media there mini-celebrities wannabe Instagram models. In there head they have so much going on for themselves. I applaud the ones who make a career from social media pics. At least they learned to apply it.

For the rest, they often forget the fact they flip Krabby patties for a living. They forget they can barely afford rent, car payments, insurance, in debt, bill steady pilling. But they’re on social media daily, seeking any attention they can get. Their life revolves around swiping there card, painting there face for attention and a few moments of fame. These are the ones that are usually confused as to why they're still where they are in life 5, 10 years later. Never taking the time to explore their talents and perfect there skills if they have any.

They're worthless, they’ll be there months, and years from now still posting photos; seeking any attention they can get. What's funny is that even though they have nothing going on. There’s never a shortage of low-value guys slipping in there DM’s, commenting, and liking their photos. These guys are even worse and I cut them off as well. I cut all that shit off there extremely unproductive in life.

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