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The secret to wealth & success is…

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 5 years ago
| Money

If I asked you. Why aren’t you successful? What would you tell me? I assume you’d say something along the lines of:

  1. I don’t have the time.
  2. I’m way too busy.
  3. I’m afraid to fail.
  4. I don’t know where to start.
  5. I'm not that smart.
  6. I don’t have a degree.

I’m sure I’ll get a hell of a lot more radical responses if I asked you. Why aren’t you rich? Anywhere from Money is evil to The rich steals from the poor. Now, what if I told you the secret to success is all around you. You even have access to one of the mediums everywhere you go. Can you guess that medium? It’s your cell phone, tablet, computer, or just about anything you may have that has access to the internet.

To be honest there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be successful. The reason your not wealthy or succesfu1 may just be your problem. Information and knowledge have never been so wildly available and accessible. It's literally at your fingertips. If you need to know something you’d normally Google it right. Anything you need to know you just hop online and search for it. How to cook. How to change your tire. How to fix your car. So why is it so hard to Google how to make money etc?

Why is it so hard for someone to Google how to be rich or succesfu1? Maybe you have. Maybe you’ve spent countless hours perhaps years searching through YouTube. Searching on how to make money or be good at something. I have too. I’m on YouTube every day almost all-day researching every and anything on how to make myself better on what I do. And if you’ve been on YouTube enough it always gives you recommendations to similar videos to the ones you watch. If you're looking at money-making strategies you’ll get more of them. The thing is there’s more bullshit then there is good advice. I always solidify my advice from reputable resources and books.

Alright so if it’s so easy to find out how to make money; why isn’t everyone rich? Why isn’t every person living above poverty? So let’s see, there’s roughly 7.6% of the US population that’s Millionaires. 1,700 become apart of this 7.6% every single day. That’s a lot of people becoming rich every day. Would you say those Millionaires know the secret to success? Maybe. You might even say its luck or maybe they know someone or they may even have access to some secret information hidden a vault. Honestly, self-made Millionaires and Billionaires are just like us. Again the self-made 0 to <10% ones. Not the ones born into wealth through inheritance.

You’d be surprised by the people who were born into this world so poor that their parents couldn’t even afford to buy food for them. Yet given the odds, they somehow work, study, plot, and plan there a way too extreme success. Granted there are those in other countries born into horrific conditions. It can be harder next to impossible to overcome those environments. However here in the US there really shouldn’t be an excuse as to why you broke and unsuccessful. If you're not in prison or have any physical, mental, or extreme limitation that may prevent you; there shouldn’t be an excuse.

Every single person on earth has access to the same 24 hours, air, and information you or I have. The same Google, the same internet, the same books, libraries, academies, etc. You might even argue, what about the people at ivy leagues, friends of the rich and so on. Well more times than most they started just like you or me. Being honest they worked hard to get to where they are. They utilized the resources all around them to get into better schools with a better quality of education. And yes there are those individuals more times than often that have access to better information, tools, and resources. However, there are those like myself that are born into absolute nothing. I learned to utilize information, books, libraries, the internet, and teachers to direct myself to where I wanted to be.

If you were born into an environment with a bad education system. What's stopping you from working hard getting better grades to get into better schools? Or simply move to a better environment. Why do we as individuals choose to stay cemented in the unlucky conditions we were born in? Why do we choose to be a statistic to be uneventful. It is your choice to be apart of the 92.4% looking for handout population. There are 116,867 libraries in the US and over 350.000 globally. There are over 312 Million people that use the internet. Only less than 10% of the US population that doesn’t use the internet. You have access to the internet; it’s just about anywhere in the US... Alright, so what was the point in me citing all those statistics? Why talk about the internet, libraries, success rates, and so on.

My point is a success is what you make it. If your unsuccessful, then you choose to be. If your successful well then you choose to be? If you can utilize libraries, books, the internet, and just about any other method or person to advance yourself in life. Then you have no choice but to be successful. You can either use the internet for useless bullshit or use it to become better. I’m not going to go into what you should be studying or researching there’s just too much. Nowadays there are infinite ways and possibilities to make wealth a possibility. It just takes a hell of a lot of reserves, sacrifice, perseverance, sleepless nights, hard work, and dedication.

But if your a fan of kodoninja.com we focus mainly on trading, investing, coding, and anything in between to achieve financial freedom. If you love any of those things, check infrequently. We’ll get you to where you want and need to be. Don’t stop there don’t be like the majority of the population that ignores all the free knowledge and money-making possibilities all around them. If that isn’t your thing find your talents; use your skills and passion on what your good at, to make that into a career. Don’t cement yourself into conditions that will never make you happy and financially free. Aim to slowly trade in your 9-5 for something a little more welcoming to your talents.

The left-government, employers, and haters want you to be broke and miserable so you’ll always be dependent on them for survival. You keep the Government rich through higher taxes levied to the poor. You keep jobs-rich by working for them for pennies on the dollar; A fraction on the hundreds they make from you. As long as your willing to be a slave accepting whatever amount they give you just to stay above broke, they’ll continue to do so. You're paid just above minimum wage for a reason They need to make the most from you, while your still stupid and naive enough to believe that a job and the government determines your right to be financially happy. 

And if your making 6+ figures a year they know your semi stupid not realizing that there making a fortune. Sometimes Millions off of you paying you a fraction of that amount. Big tech companies are notorious for this. Making Millions a quarter while paying their coders a fraction of $80,000 - $150,000 of the Millions they pull in per individual. Hence why you can be paid so much and they fight so hard to keep you happy for you not to run away and start your own company. Hell, they may even trap and sue you if you up in seek dreams of your own.  If they pay you higher the taxes increase; learn how to escape taxes. Learn to be your boss, before you wake up one day age 40+ getting ready for work at your 9-5. You’ll be still complaining that you are not paid enough. When the answer was all around you and in the palm of your hands the entire time. Don’t go full-retard utilize the resources all around you to get your financial freedom.

Conclusion: The secret to wealth and success is anything that will help to provide you the information, tools, and resources necessary to move forward in life. Which can come in the form of books, information mined from individuals that have achieved great accomplishments and failures throughout their life? That’s it. It’ll take a hell of a lot of tenacity to plow through the bullshit, failure, disbelief, self-doubt, and fear. Let your dream edge you forward through any bullshit that’ll arise. Remember excuses and handouts keep you in the 92.4% of poor, uneventful individuals who will never amount to anything in life. Sacrifice, put off the instant gratification of new things to invest then reinvest your money. Live slightly below your means to ensure you have more to invest. Don’t be the person who looses there job for a few months and everything falls apart. (cough* COVID-19) 

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