kodoninja - goal: category kodoverse

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Creation of kodospace.com by
@kodoninja verified by kodokitty
2 years ago | kodoverse |  (#kodoverse #platform)
kodoverse affiliation. This is a heavy social network with little to no modoration. Post what you want, without the fear of demonitiation or strikes. Videos, post, images NSFW content anything you desire* within the few rules.
Creation of kodotrading.com by
@kodoninja verified by kodokitty
2 years ago | kodoverse |  (#kodoverse)
kodoverse affiliation. This will be everything crypto, nft, trading, and investing. Will include a heavy social aspect, stock picks, charting, and much more.
kodoverse affiliation. This will focus on the fitness, and nutrition of an individual through various methods including MMA and crossfit.

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